Atys #3

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Denied Atys #3

Post by Atys April 1st 2015, 4:09 pm

1. PB2 Nickname: Atys

2. PB2 Profile Link:

3. How long have you been playing PB2?: I couldn’t ive you an exact amount of time, but I believe since either late 2012 or early 2013

4. How many kills and deaths do you have?: 2,732- Kills 1724- Deaths

4b: What is your level developer’s rank?: 1.19

4c: How many player points do you have?: 2.25 +0.02 daily

5. Are you currently in a clan?: No.

5b. What clans have you been in before?: A.C.T.| RED-C | Lethal | Anti | T.R.S. | BOA | Strike | Qualm |

5c. What made you leave your earlier clans?:
A.C.T.: It was my own clan and it died.
RED-C: It died do to squabbles between leaders.
Lethal: The Lethal clan was inactive, then they switched names. I did not join the new clan.
Anti: The clan was doing well when I first joined but went down hill quickly. It died soon after I left.
T.R.S.: It was again my own clan.  At one time we had around 16 members but it died.
BOA: Was a very non-friendly clan.
Strike: I was discontent with the way the clan was going. Specifically the fact that only people who were good were allowed in the clan. It didn’t matter whether they were good people or not.  
Qualm: Was a great clan with mature people. Chat however was as active as I would’ve like it to be.  Also the member would hardly ever do anything together. Some member were hostile because of religious beliefs.

Note: RekT never became a clan. No members were recruited.

6. Do you have any alternative accounts?: Yes many.

6b. Please list them with profile links:
[First Account] Lockwood
[Second Account] D34dl0ck Was deleted during the system bug.
[Third Account] Deathlock Was deleted during the system bug.
[Fourth Account] Lag Monkey  Was deleted during the system bug.
[Fifth Account] skrilix Was deleted during system bug.
[Sixth Account] Exit Wounds Was deleted during system bug.
[Seventh Account] Skippi Was deleted during system bug.
Other Accounts:

7. Who recruited you?: No one.

8. Why do you want to join BoZ?: Because the members of BoZ are good mature people they respect others in game they don’t bad mouth. I believe they would make a good family.
9. Do you understand/have you read the “About” page?: Yes

10. Do you understand/have you read the recruitment process?: Yes.

11. Which members in BoZ do you know?: I know TheChosen One, Kaotic Kaos and have played on maps with many others.

12. What can you offer to the clan?: There is not much I can offer the clan that it does not already have.  I can offer a member who strives his hardest at whatever he does. I can offer my loyalty to BoZ and I can be very active.

13. How often do you play PB2?: An hour a day, or so.

14. What server do you usually play in?: California.

14b. What is your average ping in that server?: 110

15. What is your favorite map?: stryde-sniper

16. How do you play PB2? (Any specific playing styles?): I do a lot of selfboosting. I always take high ground if possible. Use swords when I can. Also look for opportunities for nade kills.

17. What country are you from?: The United States of America.

18. Extra comments/questions: I know I don’t deserve a BoZ membership,but I hope you will consider.

19. What are you applying for: Member or Trial Member? Trial Member

Posts : 22
Join date : 2015-03-18

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Krutz April 1st 2015, 6:33 pm

Why don't you think you deserve membership? We consider everyone who applies.

Posts : 373
Join date : 2014-02-17

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Atys April 1st 2015, 6:55 pm

Due to my dishonesty in my last app. I showed a momentary lack of maturity.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2015-03-18

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by x D April 1st 2015, 10:17 pm

Atys wrote:Due to my dishonesty in my last app. I showed a momentary lack of maturity.
We dont really care about this.
x D
x D

Posts : 453
Join date : 2015-01-03

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Atys April 2nd 2015, 12:38 am

Well I'm glad that's all behind me now.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2015-03-18

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Atys April 4th 2015, 12:13 am

Also I just realized when I copy pasted my app it did not put the picture in that I had under Other accounts. Here it is.
Atys #3 Screen11

Posts : 22
Join date : 2015-03-18

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Atys April 4th 2015, 2:12 am

I have a bit of a problem now... When I applied I had 3k some kills
Now I have 4k kills so I qualify for Member. So would it automatically change to member app?

Posts : 22
Join date : 2015-03-18

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Lord Kaos April 4th 2015, 2:23 am

No, and why didn't you list these alts?
Lord Kaos
Lord Kaos

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Join date : 2014-12-28

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Atys April 4th 2015, 3:21 am

Woah... Well, like I said before. I had that screenshot in the app, under other accounts. But when I copy pasted the app to the forum the screenshot for some reason did not switch over. I am sorry. When I realized, I posted that screenshot.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2015-03-18

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Lord Kaos April 4th 2015, 4:33 am

Atys wrote:Woah... Well, like I said before. I had that screenshot in the app, under other accounts. But when I copy pasted the app to the forum the screenshot for some reason did not switch over. I am sorry. When I realized, I posted that screenshot.

Well it cleary states to list all your alts. If you can't remember any, that's fine. But still, you should have listed the alts.
Lord Kaos
Lord Kaos

Posts : 122
Join date : 2014-12-28

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Atys April 4th 2015, 3:49 pm

I apologize for the confusion. My bad.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2015-03-18

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Denied Re: Atys #3

Post by Krutz April 4th 2015, 6:22 pm

Application denied.

Reason: failing to list alternate accounts.

Apply again in 2 weeks if you want to.

Posts : 373
Join date : 2014-02-17

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Denied Re: Atys #3

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