Finale #2

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Denied Finale #2

Post by Finale April 1st 2015, 12:14 am

1. PB2 Nickname: Finale

2. PB2 Profile Link:

3. How long have you been playing PB2?: 1 year.

4. How many kills and deaths do you have?: 15449 kills and 1667 deaths.

4b: What is your level developer’s rank?: 0

4c: How many player points do you have?: 0

5. Are you currently in a clan?: No

5b. What clans have you been in before?: Her0, Assassin$, EKA, Anti, Cyclix, StrikE, Logic, Neon and House of Winter.

5c. What made you leave your earlier clans?: Her0 became inactive since the Leader suddenly became inactive. I left Assassin$ since the clan wasn't that active at the time. I left EKA to join Anti since Xlr129 was the Co Leader at the time and He created Anti and took some EKA members along with him. Including me. Xlr129 Disbanded Anti. I had to leave Cyclix since they moved to a different game that I couldn't follow. StrikE merged with Logic and became Neon. Which quickly changed it's name to Bloodline but I left before it became Bloodline since it was inactive. I left House of Winter since every member was inactive and the Leader didn't know what to do.

6. Do you have any alternative accounts?: No alternate accounts but I have old accounts which might still exist but I don't use them.

6b. Please list them with profile links: No alternate accounts.

7. Who recruited you?: No one.

8. Why do you want to join BoZ?: I want to join BoZ since it was a dream to me. I've been in a lot of clans that wouldn't last long due to their reasons of surviving was to be the Top clan and to war every other clan. I've developed my skills this far to match a member of BoZ in 1v1 so far and I know this clan needs and has respectful and skilled members.

9. Do you understand/have you read the “About” page?: Yes.

10. Do you understand/have you read the recruitment process?: Yes.

11. Which members in BoZ do you know?: x d, Kaotic Kaos and I met mingo1

12. What can you offer to the clan?: A loyal, skilled and respectful member who will follow the rules, is willing to help with anything he is able to and respect the decisions of the Leaders of BoZ. Everyone has a reason to a decision.

13. How often do you play PB2?: 2 hours or more everyday usually.

14. What server do you usually play in?: California, USA

14b. What is your average ping in that server?: 230

15. What is your favorite map?: stryde-sniper

16. How do you play PB2? (Any specific playing styles?): I would scope the area for any red laser sights in sniper matches and then shoot in that direction and then quickly find the safest and quickest route to the other side of the map and take him out from behind or if in a large group. Wait for them to get separated.

17. What country are you from?: Australia

18. Extra comments/questions: None

19. What are you applying for: Member or Trial Member? Member.

Posts : 6
Join date : 2015-03-12

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Denied Re: Finale #2

Post by x D April 1st 2015, 1:32 am

In Your first application ya said
Now its

Wot boi Stoned
x D
x D

Posts : 453
Join date : 2015-01-03

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Denied Re: Finale #2

Post by TheChosen One April 1st 2015, 1:33 am

Finale wrote:BoZ was a "dream" clan to me among the years I have played. I have been in 4 pro clans already and have reached this current level of skill just to be able to match a BoZ member in a 1v1 or elsewhere. I know this clan needs respectful and skilled players so I am willing to apply for member.

This is what you have said on your first appliction.

Finale wrote: I want to join BoZ since it was a dream to me. I've been in a lot of clans that wouldn't last long due to their reasons of surviving was to be the Top clan and to war every other clan. I've developed my skills this far to match a member of BoZ in 1v1 so far and I know this clan needs and has respectful and skilled members.

This is what you said on your second app (The present one we are discussing right now)

I don't see lotta difference on Question 8 mate you gotta put more effort on that we are not some random immature kids you gotta take this seriously. Trying not to be hardcore but giving you some feedback

Same with Question 12.

Finale wrote:A active, loyal, skilled and helpful player that is willing to contribute to anything that the clan needs or requires and respects the decision of the leaders of BoZ even if it seems unfair. Everyone has a reason for a decision.

On your first appliction. And read the present one. Not much difference to me.

Try to put more effort on it next time I mean don't copy and paste answers from your first app.

TheChosen One
TheChosen One

Posts : 200
Join date : 2015-01-14

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Denied Re: Finale #2

Post by Finale April 1st 2015, 1:49 am


Like literally make it new?

Posts : 6
Join date : 2015-03-12

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Denied Re: Finale #2

Post by Subcomics April 1st 2015, 6:57 pm

Finale wrote:K.

Like literally make it new?
its not needed to completely remake your application, but it says you've shown more dedication
everything aside it doesnt really hurt you unless you keep submitting apps and your past 8 apps total
mr. costigan

Posts : 1755
Join date : 2014-02-15

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Denied Re: Finale #2

Post by Ex Mechanic April 5th 2015, 1:52 pm

Application Denied

Can't apply to another clan while you're applying to this one..
Ex Mechanic
Ex Mechanic
Full-Throttle Gangsta

Posts : 517
Join date : 2014-02-16

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Denied Re: Finale #2

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