1. PB2 Nickname:mega charizard
2. PB2 Profile Link:
http://www.plazmaburst2.com/?a=&s=7&ac=mega%20charizard&id=12727843. How long have you been playing PB2?: 1 and a half year
4. How many kills and deaths do you have?:3141 [incloding my other account]
4b: What is your level developer’s rank?:1.12
4c: How many player points do you have?:i have about 8.0pp in both my accounts
5. Are you currently in a clan?:Not Anymore
5b. What clans have you been in before?:ExoTict
5c. What made you leave your earlier clans?:There Is No One In The Clan ExoTict
6. Do you have any alternative accounts?:yes
6b. Please list them with profile links:http://www.plazmaburst2.com/?a=&s=7&ac=xCharizardx&id=1455206
7. Who recruited you?:i ask nasri and zakerzew and they said make a application
8. Why do you want to join BoZ?:Because i will show respect, responsible, and loyal
9. Which members in BoZ do you know?:nasri, roxxar, xd, krutz, cuky,
10. What can you offer to the clan?:Loyalty Bravery and respect
11. How often do you play PB2?:Every day
12. What server do you usually play in?:California
12b. What is your average ping in that server?:100
13. What is your favorite map?:stryde-sniper
14. How do you play PB2? (Any specific playing styles?):Trickshots MlgShots RapingShots etc.
15. What country do you live in?:Usa
16. Extra comments/questions:Please Let Me Join