Vortex23 #1

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Denied Vortex23 #1

Post by Vortex23 March 25th 2015, 2:31 pm

1. PB2 Nickname: Vortex23

2. PB2 Profile Link: http://plazmaburst2.com/?a=&s=7&ac=Vortex23&id=782353

3. How long have you been playing PB2?: About 3 years I started in 2012,June.

4. How many kills and deaths do you have?:

4b: What is your level developer’s rank?:
LDR: 40.06

4c: How many player points do you have?:
I really wanted to player ranked matches but it's the ping which messes me up everytime.

5. Are you currently in a clan?:
Nope i made my own tiny clans

5b. What clans have you been in before?:
[:.-|StrikE|-.:] quitted 2 weeks later

5c. What made you leave your earlier clans?:
Too Bossy, a whole bunch of people will come in fake Strike tags and other Strike members will boss about how their clan is so epic. ALSO they forced me into their clan , I hate those kind of people who forced me to join their clan so I decided to leave in a few weeks later.

6. Do you have any alternative accounts?:
Nope i started with Vortex23

6b. Please list them with profile links:

7. Who recruited you?:

8. Why do you want to join BoZ?:
I really want to join BoZ as I believe we can strive for the Plazma Burst 2 Peak. BoZ have really cool  players they really don't take the game seriously ( in a good way) like they don't RAGE AND COMPLAIN everytime they died, they just chill and they are so pro at gameplays that i really want to join them because i feel I have the sense of calmness. I don't usually fight (verbally) with other players but when other players fight I just tried to stopped them. That is why i feel BoZ is THE best clan in PB2.

9. Do you understand/have you read the “About” page?:

10. Do you understand/have you read the recruitment process?:
Already read it 5x too make sure

11. Which members in BoZ do you know?:
Stryde (Leader) NOw his aka Execute, Neelfrost, Mingo1 , Spartan 138 , Max Teabag, XFrostByteX

12. What can you offer to the clan?:
A very respectful, well-disciplined guy who is never raging at people shouting at them like a mad cow, I can stand people's words (bad words) at me but i know when they took it too far and i really warned them to stop, if they REALLY took it to the last straw, I will just see "Ok Goodbye" and leave the game , I will be very grateful to you guys, will not be such a bossy guy who complains about everything I will just be chillin in the game chatting with friends and killing peeps in Apprved
13. How often do you play PB2?:
2hr - 3hr in 2days

14. What server do you usually play in?:
USA , Cali

14b. What is your average ping in that server?:

15. What is your favorite map?:
Styrde-Sniper , It has a very unique game-play style to it i like it.

16. How do you play PB2? (Any specific playing styles?):
I will let the other player go fight (killing) the other player and when he kills them i will come out of nowhere and shoot them , Also i am used to Stealth , i will see their name tags (JUST slightyly) and i will try to aim and shoot them.

17. What country are you from?:
18. Extra comments/questions:
I am very surprised that Biohazard is still standing strong since the start of the game , I am really looking forward to my Application too be Accepted
but if you denied it  i know why will it be i can see it in the remarks below (I won't be angry if it is denied I mean like respect right)?
19. What are you applying for: Member or Trial Member?

Posts : 16
Join date : 2015-03-25

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Denied Re: Vortex23 #1

Post by Fextem March 25th 2015, 6:38 pm

You said "Nope i made my own tiny clans" but you only
listed one clan. Are you missing any clans?

Posts : 313
Join date : 2014-02-16

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Denied Re: Vortex23 #1

Post by Lord Kaos March 25th 2015, 10:48 pm

Fextem wrote:You said "Nope i made my own tiny clans" but you only
listed one clan. Are you missing any clans?

He is, obviously.

Lord Kaos
Lord Kaos

Posts : 122
Join date : 2014-12-28

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Denied Re: Vortex23 #1

Post by Fextem March 25th 2015, 11:18 pm

Application denied.
Applicant failed to list all past clans.
You may re-apply in 2 weeks.

Posts : 313
Join date : 2014-02-16

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Denied Re: Vortex23 #1

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