Mohammad Bakhshi #2

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Denied Mohammad Bakhshi #2

Post by Mohammad Bakhshi April 5th 2015, 8:06 am

1. PB2 Nickname: Mohammad Bakhshi

2. PB2 Profile Link:

3. How long have you been playing PB2?: Since 2012

4. How many kills and deaths do you have?: 71K kills 30K deaths KDR 2.34

4b: What is your level developer’s rank?: 19.63 I have stopped making maps because I look forward to hearing things from the pro map makers in BoZ

4c: How many player points do you have?: 0.00 because I cannot play ranked matches due to my ping level because I live far away from all of the servers but, California is the closest to me

5. Are you currently in a clan?: No, some clans have died including mine and I just left one of them because BoZ doesn't allow multi-clanning

5b. What clans have you been in before?: Owner of Kickass, StrikE, Physcal

5c. What made you leave your earlier clans?: To join BoZ and the other 2 died

6. Do you have any alternative accounts?: None

6b. Please list them with profile links: None

7. Who recruited you?: Freesnacher asked me 2 months ago, I couldn't make up my mind then so I have decided to join now

8. Why do you want to join BoZ?: I want to be in a clan with pros and request help from the best map makers such as Max teabag and Stryde for some help.

9. Do you understand/have you read the “About” page?: Yes, I have read and understood

10. Do you understand/have you read the recruitment process?: Yes, I have read and understood

11. Which members in BoZ do you know?: I know majority of the members of BoZ just to name a few, Kaotic, Stryde, Roxxar. Freesnacher, Qaz, XfrostbyteX, Sub Zero,

12. What can you offer to the clan?: Skill and I will make BoZ known to all others and that it is known for their skill

13. How often do you play PB2?: Every day and only offline sometimes maybe once a fortnight

14. What server do you usually play in?: California because it is the closest to me

14b. What is your average ping in that server?: 200-250

15. What is your favorite map?: Stryde-sniper because I love playing in sniper and I think that I am good in it because I reached 19th in the world Very Happy

16. How do you play PB2? (Any specific playing styles?): I like using self boost to get in the air and then shoot people

17. What country are you from?: Australia, Southern area

18. Extra comments/questions: Just one. If I get in then, I see fake members, what do I do?

19. What are you applying for: Member or Trial Member? Member

Mohammad Bakhshi

Posts : 4
Join date : 2015-01-15

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Denied Re: Mohammad Bakhshi #2

Post by Ex Mechanic April 5th 2015, 12:08 pm

Application Denied

You didn't wait 2 weeks after you got denied on your first application
Wearing your [Kickass] tag while applying to BoZ
and wearing [BoZ] tag, even tho you didn't get accepted..

Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks, try to be patience + try a bit more effort on your application next time if you choose to do so
Ex Mechanic
Ex Mechanic
Full-Throttle Gangsta

Posts : 517
Join date : 2014-02-16

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