Phsc #4

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Denied Phsc #4

Post by Phsc October 15th 2018, 3:23 pm

1. Username:

2. Give us your personal statement (include who you are, interests, what you can offer):
My name is Pedro, according to this personality site thing, I am an Commander/Architect, both cases I use logic for my thinking more than feeling and I am an introvert.
Anyway, uh... here's what I do:

MUSIC: As a superior being with a superior taste, I, study it, compose, play, and other things, from Baroque to Indian classical to Shred Metal to Jazz to many more, I realy like improvising, and I play guitar, both classical, acoustic and electric and also piano and I have a synthesizer, but most of what I do is related to music theory, from the fact that when you listen to something in G major you think it's beautiful, to when you listen to something in C# minor you think it's terrifying, to when you listen to D dorian you think it's spooky, to understand that the VII in most chord progressions is the more dissonant major chord so that means if you put it after a I chord it will not give you joy but slowly build dissonance that can be used to give you joy or be cancelled and you go back to consonance, most of what I said I learned from books from Arnold Schoenberd, a vienese modern composer, and by that he died in like the 40s I think, here's something I made:

I also lately started drawing on paper with... pencil, I'm not sure if I'm good or bad, but I'm a beginner, so, here's JS Bach by me, and I also do computer art which isn't that good but maybe when I buy one of those fancy drawing digital tables I might get good at it, as using your mouse kinda sucks.

I also do programming in a general way, I know many languages such as C, C++, C#, VB, PHP, JS, Python, Ruby, Pascal, and I can learn any programming language that isn't Assembly, I also know CSS and HTML and MySQL server and SQL server... and they're basically the same thing, I also started, uh, serious hacking? I have a Kali Linux laptop, not sure if that counts as serious hacking but... it's quite simple, by the way, my database management teacher wants my class to learn that, uh, so yeah... that's also the career I'll follow and next year I'll start working seriously in the area.

I also do generic things such as watching youtube videos, Netflix series and films! Youtube I watch mostly... uh, lately, not sure, Netflix, the only thing I watch is Black Mirror, and films it's mostly old classics, my favorites being, 2001, Pulp Fiction, The Godfather, Citizen Kane, and a few others.

I also read, lately a ton of music theory books, such as The Theory of Harmony by Arnold Schoenberg, which is amazing, but I've also read the Foundation series and of course, the amazing 1984, and I'm up for recommendations.

And I also play video games, lately, mostly indie games, but I'm pretty good at multiplayer ones too, even tho most of the time, if it's team based, it's not that fun...

3. What games are you actively playing?:
PB2, mostly playing around with modding the level editor and making maps, I'll explain this later.
A few indie games, it includes games such as Stardew Valley that now have multiplayer!
I've not been playing DOTA for a month now, the reason is:
I got back into it and made a new stack to play qualifiers, it was all going really well and we all played really great, but we had two problems, first being that I had no MMR as the MMR inflation made so a rank of Ancient is like a 4k player and not a 5k player, so I would need to grind, but solo queue, and I don't like doing that, and, this being the most important one, I got perma banned from most of the local tournaments and 1 year from the game.  
Why: a friend of mine used scripts in a qualifier, so it's pretty dirty how qualifiers go, people don't respect disconect pauses, and do tactical pauses that are agaisn't the rule saying they have lag, but all of that is fine, but the other pos 1-2 player of my team decided he would use fucking scripts, and he did, and it only got us banned as at a point one dude who was casting the game decided he would use player view and his mouse icon was outside of the minimap and at some times it would move instantly, so I decided I'd quit DOTA forever, it was also closed qualifiers and I'm not sure if there's videos of that.

3b. Please list your username for those games (if multiple usernames, specify username for each game):
DOTA: 322/phsc/sorroW-/PZ/torrent seeder/644/hasu  
PB2: phsc, phs, phsc technology, phsc br(found out was mine, remembered the pass), pmm, jesus of balls, dota addict, just a noob
Main steam name right now is phsc
and if I'm not able to use names such as phsc, I will do small changes to it, like xphscx, xphscz, phscz, phsc7, etc...

4. Are you currently in any gaming clans/groups?:
It depends on what you consider a clan.  
I'm the leader of DARK CLAN, but you guys understand that it isn't an actual clan.  
People don't even know that I'm the fucking leader, it's so sad, and I got promoted to leader after one week of joining, like, what  
Yes I could leave it if it was needed  

And I'm in a PB2 group, it's not a clan, which is for mapmakers to make colabs and a few projects that relate even to Eric Gurt himself, it doesn't need tags, it isn't a clan so no problem with multiclanning, it doesn't even have ranks, it's just a discord server.
At the moment we are working in a new tutorial for Plazma Burst 2's Level Editor, which is going to be an actual website page with all the information we know about the object and other tutorials, mostly going to be useful when PB2.5 releases, and incredible enough, it will!

4b. What gaming clans/groups have you been in before?:
PB2: EKAT/axis, Assassin$ and all its other names(Neon, Logic, Bloodline), Chaos, H3CTIK(chaos division that was kinda separated from it), Day Break, FIM, LED, TOC,Apoc, EGMSU, H3CTIK, GSA, +Anti+, xXx, ToXiC, Chain of Blood and BoZ, twice.

DOTA 2: Team Coldfox, PZ gaming, 322+4

4c. What made you leave your past clans/groups?:
Axis/EKAT, Assassin$ and it's other names, Chaos, H3CTIK, FIM, LED, TOC, Apoc, EGMSU, xXx, ToXiC, +Anti+ died
Day Break to this day I don't know, I think Silent Phoenix was like "you're spying us" but I couldn't even fucking speak english at the time in a decent way so it was probably me fucking it up, but I was a good PB2 player good.  
GSA because when you're a 10 year old and you see a PB2istic revolution of a group called EKAT you think: these are the good guys from the movies, so I joined them, and left also because I could put TWO TAGS ON MY NAME, YIKES, IM SO BADASS MOM
Chain of Blood: It was a clan of only me and x d and not sure if it counts, it also had that Shryz dude that I think once was in BoZ? not sure, like he then joined GeNo or smth, anyway, the clan was really hard to join, you had to be invited, or beat me and x d in a 1v1, and well, we were good! and by that I mean, we had high ping! mostly x d

Coldfox: They made a new lineup with way, way better players, then disbanded.  
PZ gaming: My original pos 3 player was kinda of a old guy and didn't want to play tournaments at some point.  
322+4: Dude used scripts.

BoZ 1st time: I wanted to go full time DOTA, knew I wasn't active and wasn't going to be, I even left the discord and counted the time before someone realized.
BoZ 2nd time: My music taste is better.
Might look ridiculous, but when you're deep studying a thing, like getting into the math and psychological effects behind it, and  you see people looking at paint dry, it's kinda sad, but then I realized, why would I care? if you guys are happy listening to shitty music I will just shut up, of course if anyone cares enought I could explain why my music taste is better, but I imagine nobody cares, but anyway, this isn't the main reason I left.  

So when I left BoZ before I went full time DOTA I wasn't really active but I remember people still played PB2, hell, we had those tournaments and stuff, while I understand that the game got boring, mostly for people who don't make maps, as being someone who joined probably around one year after most BoZ members did, and leaving the community for one year, I still have some joy out of that game, the possibilities from that Level Editor, mostly considering that Eric updates the game now! and that there's so much out of the Level Editor, I made a PB2 forums post on how to modify the Level Editor's appearance and change it's Javascript variables via Chrome Snippets, then I found out how to edit the Local Memory where the map backups from a recent update are located at, and then maybe hell, I might be able to decompress the XML files behind the .pb2maps and then, that only opens up new opportunities, and knowing there's not a high amount but some people who are really dedicated with their PB2 maps and probably will learn how to modify it if I find out how and will give fun to the kids that still play the game, and maybe even the ones from PB2.5 as it is probably not that different, is really great.  
It's also the same reason I'm doing that new manual fancy wiki-like website.

I also tried to have some generic fun that I had when I was younger, clan war related, and well, it just isn't the same of course, but at least the nostalgia hits kinda hard, but now, well, I've had my dose of it, I'll only keep working with the level editor and modding the game, playing it is really boring.
Anyway, some other reasons I decided I don't really want to be active in the PB2 community aren't only because it got boring, the staff sucks, you guys know that, not all staff, some people try to do their "job", but others... fuck
I mean I think I got banned from the PB2 discord because the highest IQ person I've met, tehswordninja, didn't allow fucking friendly discussions, a dude was saying PB2 is dead and the game sucks, and I was trying to say, PB2 is dead, the current community isn't THAT bad as you think and the game is kinda amazing and has a ton of potential, but then the master of the blade tehswordninja aka neckbeard god went in saying that I was being toxic, and you see, that neckbeardy dude was wrong, as I wasn't being toxic! and then I said that and wanted him to show proof and why, and give toxicity standards at least, and the doritos and mountain dew smelling incel said these wise words: "Respect authority, please", and then I realized that I'm fighting for a lost cause, and then I said:
"Slam me with your virtual dick", then he tried to mute me, but I had the Contributor rank as I am more useful to the PB2 community than him, and well, I just left, I imagine I got banned after, sad.
Anyway people in the community don't like me, little they know the reason behind my hacking tutorial is that Eric had to fix the fucking variables as it was really easy to hack and I even knew a method to do it if he wanted, but then he fixed after according to him, after mingo1 stopped his channel a wave of hackers appeared? weird as fuck, but I trust him? anyway he fixed it after my tutorial so it's all fine, no more hacking in PB2 and probably no hacking in PB2.5

TLDR: I left because my music taste is better and I wanted to have fun playing a dead 2D flash game.

5. Why do you want to join Biohazard?:
Well, I have a group of friends, the IRL ones, the brazilian online ones, and then the new ones I made on PB2, the IRL ones kinda don't play videogames, the brazilian ones play games I don't play and don't want to play, or I used to play, yeah, DOTA, and the new ones I made on PB2, guess what, they play PB2! and some other generics games, and well, I want to play games with people! BoZ is a gaming clan, hmmm
Anyway the biggest reason is that around 20:00-21:00 to 00:00-01:00 considering the time of GMT -3, some times I have nobody to talk or play games with, and I'm kinda tired at that point and don't want to do anything serious such as my hobbies, and it's late so I can't play instruments, at max I can draw, but it needs a lot of focus and some times I'm kinda sleepy, so I imagine having people to play games with, or just talk to, is pretty great.
Anyway, game recomendations can also be a thing? I like indie games but I'll prob beat them, big AAA titles aren't really my thing anymore but maybe a few exceptions can be good? idk?
And also getting my english SPEAKING skills better, as it is kinda hard to understand what I say and the guys I met on PB2 don't really speak via voice chat...
And also generic feedback for lets say, I make an UI for a program, then I show it to your guys for opinion and shit, and generic people who aren't experts but aren't ignorant give me their opinions, better than posting it on Reddit where everybody is a genius or showing it to my mom.
And uh, I had some fun while in BoZ, the drawing program thing I forgot the name was cool, yeah, humans seek fun so...

6. Which members do you know in Biohazard?:
Everybody but nicomaster7

6b. How did you meet them?:
I was in BoZ... twice! over, 2-4 years? not sure...
Kostadin 8 was via PB2s forum and discord.
Raevani was in multiple PB2 matches.

7. What country do you live in?:

Brazil, aka the place where either becomes the nazi Germany or the fucking Venezuela, after the end of the elections, amazing right.

8. Extra comments/questions:

I imagine you guys made a lot of memes about me, and I have no problems with that, same for generic roast.

And the "app" I did before was just so I'd get an idea of how the clan in a general way would react, and it wasn't that bad.

Also, there's another specific reason I left BoZ, that I will only explain if I can at least go into the discord or any form of private chat with a member.

And well, thats it, 14000 words, and if I don't fit in this time, or leave by any reason at all, no coming back.


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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Blake October 16th 2018, 4:16 pm

Honestly, I didn’t find your reason for leaving valid. That whole story was so unnecessary, the only thing I got it of it was that you can’t take criticism of your “music taste” so you left. You wanted to play a dead game so you left..

How does that make any sense to you? I don’t know.

You explaining your little scenario with tehswordninja just reminds me of how much you shouldn’t be in boz, as well as your other “applications” you’ve made. To me, you just seem like a nuisance.

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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Phsc October 16th 2018, 7:01 pm

BoZ doesn't allow multiclanning and that was the main reason, the music taste thing was just the cherry on the top of the cake for me to leave, but yeah, I admit, it was really unnecessary and in a general way stupid, there's another small reason tho, but as I wrote in the app, I will only in say it in private and safe ways.

And well, about the music thing, it's not useful or constructive criticism so why should I care?

And yeah, I don't deal well with authorities and that happened with tehswordninja, things didn't go out as I wanted and as a spoiled kid I wanted it to be like I want it to be, but still, it's not about I being right, but him being wrong, he had no reason to ban me, he just did it because he doesn't like my personality or the ways I acted trough my history in PB2, yeah, doing a hacking tutorial isn't a good thing. AT FIRST, he could think a little bit more and realize that I don't gain anything out of it so there must be a reason? which was making so Eric would need to fix the formula, which I told him, and well, he did after all.
What does that show? that people don't understand other peoples actions? is that a nuisance? not being able to think or understand?

Anyway, could you explain why I am an nuisance? that would be a form of useful criticism, because right now, for me, you are being a nuisance as I have no idea of why I am one?


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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Blake October 16th 2018, 9:52 pm

Why don't you look at your last "application" as a pure example, as that was 2 weeks ago. And you expect me to believe you won't act like that on chat? Let alone in other chats like pb2, another pure example of how you'd be a nuisance. From making a hacking tutorial and getting banned so maybe you won't exploit the game and publish it to have others do it too? to leaving chat saying "Slam me with your virtual dick" like cmon you know there was something bound to happen.

If me telling you my opinion on your app and how I feel about you joining is a nuisance, then I don't think you're in the right place. You need to be able to be open about other peoples point of view.

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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Phsc October 16th 2018, 10:07 pm

OH, that app!
as well as your other “applications”
applications, not application
That is the only time I did that just to see how you would react, all my other applications were normal.
So lets say something really weird happens, you have no idea of how it went, you can try to build expectation but confirmation is a lovely thing, so what you do, you do another random thing so you have a higher sample, but this time you have visualization
the simple fact Destroyer said "I can't read music." shows me that well, I'm a joke, I was thinking I was a joke, so it shows that I was right, so yeah, I just confirmed what I was thinking and then went into making an application explaining why I did a thing considered retarded such as leaving the clan because of my music taste!

"And you expect me to believe you won't act like that on chat?" That makes sense, uh, wait, did you realize there's a pattern, I was having a friendly discussion on the PB2 discord, like I was having for a while, someone who doesn't like me gets in the way, what do I do:
The first option would have been the best right? not really when you consider other factors such as, it wasn't the first time he went in muting me! he did that many times before, he was just making so I had no joy talking to the few people who aren't 11 year olds on the PB2 discord, and well, fuck him, I can't have joy I'll leave, that wasn't the main case with BoZ, it was just as I said the cherry on the top of the cake.

"From making a hacking tutorial and getting banned so maybe you won't exploit the game and publish it to have others do it too?"
Now this really shows you have no idea of what you are saying
I am not the only one who had the knowledge to hack PB2, of course, there were some random users doing simple HP hacking BEFORE I did the tutorial, and also there were people doing other things such as a flying script and behaving like a plane spamming infinite grenades, with the nicknames under WW2 planes, I'm not kidding, look at the forums, there's more than one post about it, but I think it was in Around the Campfire section so it might have been deleted, anyway, Eric told me that what I did made him change the formula, that got a ton of people banned but probably some were using VPNs and other ways to evade bans, so he reworked the formula 100%, boom, no more hackers.
Amazing right? best part is, that works for PB2.5 too!
You see what I was talking about now? people don't understand my actions, it wasn't about I being an asshole, it was about me being an asshole to make so Eric fixes the system, and he did.
Would I act like that in the chat? are you going to go over a discussion that isn't personal or toxic saying it is personal and toxic, and have no proof or anything but just go and try to mute or ban me? don't do that and I act as a simple person talking to others, like I am doing with the map maker's discord group, which is composed mostly of people I talked to in the PB2 discord.

"If me telling you my opinion on your app and how I feel about you joining is a nuisance, then I don't think you're in the right place. You need to be able to be open about other peoples point of view." This is right.
Until this:
"because right now, for me, you are being a nuisance as I have no idea of why I am one?" what am I trying to say? I don't consider anyones opinion unless they have a reason and explain to me their reason, and you just did, and it was constructive? not really, but I counter argumented, so let's see who wins this really small debate, which shouldn't be taken personal or anything, and I am trying to stay within that.

Makes sense now?


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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Blake October 16th 2018, 11:08 pm

Well first there's no debate to discuss since I just simply told you how I felt about your app and nothing more.

I don't think you understand that the "app" you submitted was just a nuisance in itself. You are a joke, to me at least. You know we don't like spam applications, you still made one for your own little experimentation, once again, inconsiderable to us. Ever thought that "damn, I kinda just left for no reason basically and I'm about to submit some retarded post in the application section to get their attention" is what I assumed you were thinking? I don't know.  It's just a hassle and you don't get anything out of it.

Phsc wrote:"From making a hacking tutorial and getting banned so maybe you won't exploit the game and publish it to have others do it too?"
Now this really shows you have no idea of what you are saying

You obviously didn't read my sentence about looking at things from other peoples point of view good and clearly enough.

Had you made a game and had hundreds of people playing it and if some random player actually goes out of their way to exploit it, would you not do anything? Who cares about the other people that posted it before you, this is you and it's your situation.

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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Phsc October 17th 2018, 12:07 am

"I don't think you understand that the "app" you submitted was just a nuisance in itself. You are a joke, to me at least. You know we don't like spam applications, you still made one for your own little experimentation, once again, inconsiderable to us. Ever thought that "damn, I kinda just left for no reason basically and I'm about to submit some retarded post in the application section to get their attention" is what I assumed you were thinking? I don't know. It's just a hassle and you don't get anything out of it."
I understand you guys don't like "troll" apps, fine, but for real, what did it cost? Roxxar going in for a few seconds and denying it.
What I was thinking is: "damn, I kinda just left for no reason basically and I'm about to submit some retarded post in the application section to see if I'm a joke or meme and how they would react as I can suppose you would make me a meme and yeah consider me as a joke but I need confirmation!"

"It's just a hassle and you don't get anything out of it."
Til I understood that I am a joke? of course I could've made an actual app and someone would reply that, but anyway, I got what I wanted, attention, Kostadin added me on steam, he said how you guys felt about me, good enought, see? I got a magical thing called information!

"You obviously didn't read my sentence about looking at things from other peoples point of view good and clearly enough.

Had you made a game and had hundreds of people playing it and if some random player actually goes out of their way to exploit it, would you not do anything? Who cares about the other people that posted it before you, this is you and it's your situation."
This makes no sense, mostly considering I asked some random people about that, then explained that I did that so Eric would fix the HP hacking formula thing, and they all understood, but you aren't, maybe because you don't like me, maybe because what you are doing is a form of trolling... or... whats that word again, nuisance, right, mostly considering the chances I get into the clan are low.
But I will assume you are not.

But the best part is that what you are saying makes no sense, you didn't even understand what other people did, I will try to explain it again:


Anyway, proof?

But why is this even a problem with my app? it was an action that had a greater good after all, imagine if you could kill hitler and his family when he was young and make WW2 not happen, would you do it? what you are saying is that what I did was wrong, of course the example is in a way more intense case, but its the same principle.


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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Roxxar October 17th 2018, 1:35 am

1. your ploy for attention/confirmation in the form of phsc #3 was insufferable to say the least. on one hand, we dont tolerate troll apps even if you think yourself as a meme in boz. on the other hand, its quite pitiful that you've somewhat embraced this identity thinking it as a sort of "welcoming" or "hospitable" trait that you have.

you may receive this meme-status as a sort of light-hearted or funny persona that we've placed on you as a joke, but no one sees it that way. im quite sure i speak for most of boz that it essentially reflects an arrogant, pitiable side of you that no one wants around.

2. your "hacking tutorial" may have been beneficial to the pb2 community, but as blake has said with which i agree, you fail to see the image you have brought upon yourself. you say that "no one can see that i ultimately helped the community !!!" but do you ever wonder why? you've seemingly publicized your action as one to hack the game, not to help the community. personally, i have no clue what this video or hack entitles or encompasses, so i may be wrong in analyzing your approach to it; however, it sounds as if you went around proclaiming yourself a hacker, while simultaneously criticizing people for calling you a hacker.

again, i have no clue if you made it clear about your "true" efforts, but did you really have to publish and proclaim about it rather than message eric about it directly? do you not suppose that people would have had supposition about this "hacking" video, especially when you yourself say that the community primarily consists of 11-year olds who will obviously have little knowledge of this kind of thing?

3. while i may disagree with and openly bash the pb2 staff team, how do you suppose this reflects your attitude toward any authority/leadership, the boz leaders being no exception? while we may not have such strict rule and authoritative action to that akin to the pb2 staff team, what prevents you from disrespecting boz's own rules and actions?

4. how private is this alternate personal reason for leaving the clan? you were a member of boz, and you've seen our response to spartan's hidden "project" that he did not share with the rest of boz; surely you must know that any and all reason to leave/join should be shared only to your benefit.

5. what exactly did kostadin tell you.

all in all, i do not see you as a nuisance like blake, but i see your personality and motives as rather questionable and fairly pitiful.

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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Phsc October 17th 2018, 2:14 am

1. After talking to Kostadin it was pretty obvious it was out of meme or a joke but something serious and I kinda forgot about that, anyway, I'm arrogant, I think I'm better than others, mostly considering that when I do most stuff, I have at least some level of sucess, even when not "tryharding", that keeps my morale up? but yeah it was a bad move, worked out but makes my morals look like shit, I will explain this a little bit more on 5.

Anyway here is how my view was BEFORE I did the trolling app:
I've became a internal meme and they think I'm never going back, fine.

Post the trolling app:
I'm still a meme

Post Kostadin talk:
I have mental problems

It makes sense that it's not like im a meme and I'm not saying this, also, the app was made BEFORE the Kostadin talk, and just edited after the "troll" app.

2. The first time I joined BoZ I was 12 I think, at that time, maybe even earlier, I already knew about that.  
For real, go into any random flash game hacking website, that has like a forum, they probably have a tutorial with the most common values for variables, first one being... the variable as a double or another kind of variable with 4 bytes of size, a 4, 2 or 1 byte * 8, and the one PB2 was using, a 4, 2 and/or 1 byte variable * 8 + 6, the 6 can be changed, literally, what I did as a kid was google how to do it and it appeared, amazing, and someone who roleplays as fucking WW2 bombers on PB2... isn't someone old, anyway, as I said before there's more to this other than this but I can only say it private, if you want to know just say and I will PM you via the forums.
As I said, I told Eric about it, and verified after a few months if he fixed, he didn't, there's also another problem I had at the time, I really had no method of contacting him, and no, I don't want the entire PB2 community to go LORD AND SAVIOUR PHSC, I'm just saying this rn because it looks like my moral values are shit and you want me to talk about it.

3. Til I've always respected the BoZ leaders because they aren't ignorant? I understand why multiclanning is bad, why most members during the history of BoZ were kicked, and other stuff, but now please tell me how is it fair that someone who just because he doesn't like you, even before you doing anything that affects him, going in and deciding hey you, I don't like you, get a mute. Wouldn't you be angry? So, with some people of the PB2 staff it has been a constant thing, from the forums, to ingame, there's decent people yeah, I respect them, because they aren't assholes, but when someone doesn't offer anything to the game or the community and keeps being an asshole to you, hate builds up, but anyway, did I go unrespectful to anyone in BoZ at some point? disrespecting the leaders and what they think is better for the clan, I always was giving ideas, if they don't pick it, let the damage be done and then maybe they start using it or something, even tho this didn't happen while I was in BoZ.
I explain this a little bit more after all the points.

4. I will PM it to you later, via the BoZ forums.

5. Now this is me being an asshole and yeah, leaking is bad, and he shouldn't be kicked or anything because of that, now that really makes it look like my moral values are shit, anyway, he told me what you guys were saying about me, like not the memes I know you make, things like Rigtardation level of stuff or like general member behaviour generated it, something as excentric as this probably also did, but he just told me, not like, showed screenshots or text.


But anyway, let's say I never left, would this affect anything? the way you act in different places near different people is... different, you aren't going to tell your boss to slam you with his dick, but you can say that to a fucking PB2 moderator who is an asshole and nothing serious will happen out of it.

1. You're right.

2. Thing is, did I hack? I told people how to, is that the same as calling a police officer who knows how to shoot a gun an murderer?
I hacked only in private matches, not public, I was not taking the joy out of other people to make mine better, and I don't think I have a "hacker" reputation or something, it's at most a script kiddies, I know more but then I won't go doing tutorials on how to do DNS poisoning on your schools computer, I have no reason to.

3. Staff hates me, I hate them, I always respected BoZ members, they always respected me, and even now, the ones talking to me are being respectful but I imagine some people in the discord are being assholes, but yeah, talking to someone from the back is way easier.

4. Going to message you.

5. It was not his fault, I was an asshole this time, and kinda broke the I respect BoZ members thing, but it wasn't anything serious and in a general way it made me realize I am not a meme, I just did not show it in the application.


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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Phsc October 17th 2018, 8:07 pm

I'm denying my own application and I wont even bother reapplying in the future, so this is a bye.


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Join date : 2014-04-05

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Denied Re: Phsc #4

Post by Roxxar October 17th 2018, 11:44 pm


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Denied Re: Phsc #4

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